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Friday, April 5, 2013

Elections Canada takes a blind shot on RoboCalls

Finally, after two years Elections Canada have stopped dragging their feet on the RoboCalls in Guelph Ontario and brought charges against young Michael Sona but is he really the culprit. I believe not but feel he knows more than he has been willing to tell up until his trial.

These so called charges are nothing but a sham, a means for Elections Canada to pass the ball to the courts and wash their hands of this political act of terrorism. The problem is that the trial can be delayed for years, as has the delay in bringing charges. These delays allow the people behind this act to destroy any evidence that may point the finger away from Sona and at the true perpetrator. The Federal court has yet to bring down a decision on 6 other cases before them and in my opinion they and Elections Canada are waiting for public apathy to set in.

Speculation by pundits is that the Crown and Sona will now be able to subpoena witnesses, the problem with that is if a key witness like Ken Morgan are outside the country a subpoena as a witness has no teeth as a basis for extradition back to Canada. In the final analysis long delays and a lack of witnesses will probably cause the case to be tossed by the Crown.

One need not be a mathematician nor an economist to come to the conclusion that Guelph plus 6 equals a systemic party policy .... so much for Conservative democracy and justice.

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