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Monday, January 14, 2013

First Nations millionaires club

G'Morning Bob ................... Here is another take with more information on the native situation. As always, there is two sides to every discussion ............ feel free to accept all, a portion or none of the attached video!! But I think it's important to remember that all monies belong to the Canadian taxpayers and as time goes by there is less and less available in the coffers.. - Win

Thanks Win.... Canadians have known for decades now that there are certain leaders within the AFN that are taking unfair advantage of their own people, but what Ezra Lavant is failing to tell his audience in his financial analysis is that the AFN operates within Canada as a separate nation within Confederation. As such the monies transfered to them are similar to equalization payments sent to the have not Provinces.

"If we get the notion out of our heads that this is charity, but rather is infrastructure dollars with the primary difference being that the individual bands are still under the supervision of the Canadian government. As such they are required, unlike the have not provinces, to hire an independent chartered accounting firm to do annual audits of their books which are then submitted to the Department of Aboriginal Affairs."

Burlington is an affluent community where students are crowded into "portables" that are poorly designed, have mold problems and health issues. We also have food banks, welfare recipients and others who live below the the poverty line just like every other community in this great country of ours. These are common problems across Canada and is not just a native issue as some would lead us to believe.

A municipality taxes its home owners, the provinces have sales and income tax revenues and the federal government gets pieced off by the provinces and the people. The Feds also receive oil, gas and mineral revenues, while provinces also receive mineral and oil and gas revenues. Why should the individual native bands not receive revenues when corporations set up on their lands?

It is up to the individual bands to get rid of the abusers just as it is up to London, Montreal and any other municipality to clean up their backyard.

The fact that the mines on Attawapiskat land hire local aboriginals is only logical when they are a bedroom community to the mine. Where else are the mines going to find people willing to work in that area and in a mine environment. It is not everyones first or even second choice of employment.

"The Colonial Days are Over - We can no longer break treaties and steal their land"

It ceases to amaze me how people like Ezra Lavant have conveniently forgotten that it was the French and the British who came to their land, battled each other over their land then fought wars against the native peoples with rapid fire weapons. Then when we defeated them we signed treaty's agreeing to protect them and give them land that nobody wanted then herded them onto the reservations like animals. We set up Indian agents that stole from them and starved them, we took their children away and sent them to schools where they were sexually and physically abused and we turned our backs to these abuses for centuries.

Now when they want to have the right to self determination and to reap the benefits of the resources on their land "that we thought was worthless" men, like Ezra Lavant, call them leaches on Canadian society and insist they do not have the right to determine their own destiny. There are many who work, earn a living (as presented in Ezra Lavant's own video) and are not a burden to the taxpayer but the Lavants of Canada paint them all with the same brush.

The media, especially Sun Media, show us only the worst. Good news does not sell and Sun Media's mandate is dictated by Kory Teneycke, Stephen Harper's former advisor, and as such they support and promote a specific platform. When they staged phony Citizenship Ceremonies they lost all credibility and showed Canadians they have no interest in truth.

But we love our Timmies enough to subsidize them in NS, Newfoundland and Ontario

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