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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Behind the scene - Political discourse

For those of you who have been following the posting regarding Idle No More the following is today's discourse between friends...... a little insight into the behind the scene poking fun at one another .....

John McConachie
4:45 PM (3 hours ago)
to Winston, me

Hey guys I've been following your discourse and had a half written letter to send when I read Win's note this morning and I thought that you,Bob had made a convert of him. (LOL) Seriously I was somewhat confused because it appeared from Win's note today that there was a third party involved in the discussion and I went back into past blogs to see if I had missed something but I am still in the dark. Can somebody clarify things for me and then I can complete my letter. Thanks John

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Win Swinwood
5:06 PM (3 hours ago)
to Ralph, John, me

Hi John, that "Third Party" you are inquisitive about would be Ralph Bennett - Ralph & I are Conservatives when it comes to Canadian politics but would most likely vote Liberal (Democrat) if living in the States. At least that's the way I feel, Ralph can speak for himself. But to answer your question, Ralph and Bob have been at loggerheads about politics, among other things as well, for about as many years as they have known each other!! - they seem to find a way to agree to disagree!! That's about as much as I can tell You!! - Win


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John McConachie
7:44 PM (54 minutes ago)
to Win, me, Ralph

Thanks Win . I'm glad to hear that you haven't converted or I would have had to go outside and look for some flying Pigs( lol). John

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Bob Hawkins 
8:27 PM (11 minutes ago)
to John, Win, Ralph

Well John, Like you I was confused. I too thought the discourse was between Win and myself. After his last email/posting I thought I had brought him to the true meaning of politics. Apparently not. As Win said, Ralph and I do have a way of dealing with our differences of agreement..... first I vote my conscience whether it be Progressive Conservative, Liberal or Green. It has never been NDP nor has it or will it be Conservative Reform Alliance Party (CRAP). But that my friends is what makes life fun..... agreeing to disagee while remaining friends. BOB
Now all we have to do is get Ralph involved LOL

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