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Friday, January 27, 2012

Feeling Melancholy

For the past few weeks I have been feeling very melancholy. I don't know if it is because we are in the winter season or because I am in the winter of my life.

For the first time in my life I have to take a daily medication for blood pressure. But that isn't why I'm feeling down after all age doesn't cause high blood pressure however 45 years of marriage can. But that's not it either.

Could it be the double eye surgery? Naw, I see better now. How about the biopsy I had on Wednesday? Naw, just a precaution. Maybe it is spending the morning putting eye drops in my eyes and changing the dressing on my chest. Nope that only gets a chuckle out of Pat and I.... All part of aging.

I still don't know why I was in a funk but then we watched American Idol tonight and I thought about when I was in grade one at Herbert Symonds in NDG. My teacher, Miss Pump (actually Miss Aire but I was only 6), sent me home with a note.... it read " Could you please ask Bobby not to sing in class.... he is putting everyone off tune....

Watching Idol put me in a good mood.... I thought " S#!T even I can sing better than that" ..... Ahhhh life is good.

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