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Friday, January 31, 2020

Harper/Manning: The men who started the demise of Canadian democracy

No two Canadian politicians have done more to destroy what the Canadian people took years to accomplish than the team of Harper and Manning. Together they have brought forward policies of oppression, subtle but effective. Preston manning thought the Manning institute provides the training vital to the policies while Stephen Harper works behind the scene as head of the International Democrat Union.... nothing democratic about them.... their intent is to destroy liberalism and all that it stands for.

Make no mistake the conservative movement around the world is well funded by the wealthy, the elite and the corporate world who are profit oriented. Over the past thirty years or so we have seen the middle class become the working class while the working class have become the working poor and the poor have become the homeless.

Through the conservative propaganda campaign of flooding social media with misinformation about  immigrants, the poor and false accusations that frame those less fortunate as losers, abusers and lazy individuals who don't want to work but would rather live off the "system" they have created a group of bigots and haters.

When in doubt or when they run into opposition the immediately turn to the GOP and their propaganda gang for assistance. We have seen it with Stephen Harper, Andrew Scheer, Jason Kenney, Doug Ford and the likes of Michel Rempel. These people are divisive and bring nothing but negativity to the table.

Ask yourself, "how will their next leader be any different"? He or she won't, they aretrained, cloned and tutored by a group of individuals paid by industry to create a corporate run party known as the CPC.

This can only end badly for us and our dependents as we watch criminal diplomacy unfold south of the border with a rogue President ordering the detention of children and the withholding of aid to a sovereign country he agreed to help only IF the committed a criminal act on his behalf.

As we watch the GOP senate commit themselves to ignoring the accusations against their own president I have to wonder why anyone would trust the conservative parties of Canada when we know that they are seeking advice and assistance from the GOP to gain power in Canada.

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