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Friday, December 20, 2019

Why I have not posted lately

I appreciate all my followers and feel I have let you down over the past several months. While my health is generally good it is my eyesight that is failing my you se I have AMD (Age-related Macular Degeneration) and it has progressed.

AMD is a degenerative disease that affects mainly Caucasians and while more common in females it does affect males as well. There are two types dry, which I have and wet which is more progressive and the vleading cause of legal blindness in those of us in a certain age bracket.

At the present time I am able to read black on white but have difficulty focusing on certain types of script or colour on colour like a Canadian Tire flyer gives me extreme difficulty also son font sizes are harder to read.

Light also is a hindrance especially sunlight. Riding my bike at certain times of the day is difficult and quite dangerous as looking in the direction of the sun blinds me even when wearing dark sunglasses over my tinted eyeglasses.

Life's a bitch but it is better than the alternative.

I hate searching for the cursor and get frustrated and angry at th f'cking thing but other than that all is good.

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