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Monday, June 3, 2019

Long list of reasons not to vote CPC

On the economy:
On foreign tax evasion:
On your privacy:
Bullying opponents:
On Healthcare:
Two tiered citizenship now in Canada:
  • As a result of this new law, dual citizens and people who have immigrated to Canada can have their citizenship taken away while other Canadians cannot. Bill C-24 could easily be used against non-terrorists—for example, a journalist who is convicted of a “terrorism offence” in another country for reporting on human rights violations by the government.
  • Harper turns 863,000 Canadians into second-class citizens. "Say you were born in the United Kingdom, like me and 126,000 other Canadians, and have dual citizenship. Even if you’ve never lived and never intend to live in the U.K., you can now be deported if government thinks it has cause. In fact, the new rules say that all you have to do to merit the asterisk is have a claim to citizenship elsewhere, so anybody with a grandparent born in the U.K. likely falls into this category. Overnight, we have some Canadians discovering they suddenly have fewer rights as citizens than, say, native-born career criminals."
  • I always knew I wasn’t an “old-stock” Canadian. But I was very shocked when one day I woke up and discovered that thanks to Bill C-24 I had somehow become a second-class Canadian. Old age security. All you have to do is look at the application form and you will see that for non-Canadian born citizens proof of our arrival and citizenship is not enough to qualify. Canadians born here are not asked to document every address they have ever lived at in order to get OAS. Are we assumed to be cheats?
  • It means that government would reward them citizenship for “good behavior” and could take it away for “bad behavior”. This is a form of “punishment,” and in fact, an unnecessary punishment, especially when there are other avenues to deal with the so-called “bad behavior”. The introduction of citizenship as merely a privilege, and not a right comes from the negative perception that immigrants are cheaters. It constructs the idea that immigrants, refugees, foreign workers, and naturalized citizens are terrorists or criminals and need to be deported to their “home countries.”
On muzzled scientists and anti-science:
  • "This is more than an attack on academic freedom. It is an attempt to guarantee public ignorance." Over the last few years, the government of Canada — led by Stephen Harper — has made it harder and harder for publicly financed scientists to communicate with the public and with other scientists. It began badly enough in 2008 when scientists working for Environment Canada, the federal agency, were told to refer all queries to departmental communications officers. Now the government is doing all it can to monitor and restrict the flow of scientific information, especially concerning research into climate change, fisheries and anything to do with the Alberta tar sands — source of the diluted bitumen that would flow through the controversial Keystone XL pipeline. Journalists find themselves unable to reach government scientists; the scientists themselves have organized public protests.
  • "The Harper years have seen a subtle darkening of Canadian life," writes Stephen Marche, a Canadian who has regular columns in both Esquire and the National Post. [...] The darkness has resulted, organically, in one of the most scandal-plagued administrations in Canadian history. [...] Americans have traditionally looked to Canada as a liberal haven, with gun control, universal health care and good public education," says Marche. "But the nine and half years of Mr. Harper’s tenure have seen the slow-motion erosion of that reputation for open, responsible government. His stance has been a know-nothing conservatism, applied broadly and effectively."
  • Ms. Keen was fired as chair of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission because she had held her ground against political pressure to restart the Chalk River nuclear reactor in Ontario, a reactor that had been shut down for routine maintenance on Nov. 18 and was found to be missing important safety equipment.
  • In a letter published online Thursday in the journal "Science," the scientists from Simon Fraser University criticize cutbacks at eco-toxicology labs and an aquatic research facility and changes to the act itself, saying the government's rationale for making the changes is not supported by fact.
  • Harper govt closes lab that discovered that phosphates in detergents and household products were causing lakes to turn green with algae. It led to international changes in ingredients for those products. This lab also discovered affects of acid rain among many other scientific discoveries.
  • Journalists from around the world were denied access to Canadian government scientist Kristi Miller, who had published a groundbreaking paper on the decline of salmon populations in western Canada in the journal Science.
  • Harper cancelled funding for a successful treatment program for sex offenders so as to save money. The program had reduced chances of re-offending by 83%
Climate change denial:
On Military:
On Crime:
On Foreign Affairs:

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