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Saturday, October 20, 2018

Ya gotta luv Canada's medicare system

For a little over a week now I have undergone a series of tests in preparation of knee replacement surgery nex Friday the 26th of October.

A little over a year ago I was approved for total knee replacement and put on the list of approved patients however I procrastinated, should I or should I not. I really had second thoughts then in August I said to hell with it lets do it, the gel injections didn't help so JUST DO IT.

I asked the receptionist at the surgeons office if I was still on the list. I was, I said I'm ready and when she glance at her computer and gave me a surgery date I was stunned but said OK.

So in lead up to the big day I have seen a specialist in cardiology due to my previous heart surgery. He scheduled a nuclear imaging scan of my heart to ensure blood flow was good and a stress test where they inject a substance that simulates treadmill stress. I had an electro cardiogram and an echo cardiogram at his office.

I then saw my own family doctor then I had a 3 hour seminar at the hospital outlining the surgery, physio, medications, and recovery exercises with 12 sessions at physiotherapist after surgery.

Today I was back at the hospital for more tests and meetings with an OR nurse, an anesthesiologist, blood test and electro cardio gram (again) and an x-ray of my knee.

Times sure have changed since I had my quad bi-pass surgery in 2014, then all that happened was the surgeon came in after my angiogram and said "You have 4 blocked arteries, we're suggesting a quad bi-pass, the down side is a stroke or death but that doesn't happen often the up side better quality of life.

Pre-Op consisted of a blood test, a suppository, a shower, a shave of all appropriate areas and a meet and greet with the OR team.

Total cost of both surgeries NADA, ZILCH, NOTHING

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