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Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Tuesdays Ride - 1969 Porsche 911 Targa -

Ford smiles as he grinds his heel in the neck of the needy

Ontario moves to hold minimum wage at $14 and end paid sick days

The Ontario government will hold minimum wage at $14 an hour for the next two years and get rid of the current two paid sick days.
Under current legislation, workers have up to 10 days off — receiving pay for the sick days only.
Under new legislation, workers will be allocated eight unpaid days off.
Speaking at Leland Industries in Scarborough, Jim Wilson — the minister in charge of reducing red tape for businesses — said the Ford government is eliminating the “job killing” parts of the Liberals’ Bill 148 which provided the boost in the minimum wage and another — to $15 — in January.
He said the government will introduce the Making Ontario Open for Business Act Tuesday afternoon, to be followed by a series of bills to “lower business costs and boost competition.”
Bill 148 — which was was to modernize Ontario’s labour law — also provided workers with up to 10 days off. Before the bill, 1.6 million Ontario workers did not have access to an unpaid, job-protected sick day because of an exemption on workplaces with less than 50 employees.

You can't support one without supporting the others

They just don't compute

Bob Marley - One Love

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Sunday's Ride - 1959 straight axle powerglide Corvette for sale numbers matching auto ap...

Daniel Dale and the Toronto Star are making a mark in America for accurate and ethical journalism

On some level, it’s pretty impressive, lying, in public 170 times in one week. It seems to come naturally to Donald Trump, who according to Daniel Dale of The The Toronto Star, shattered his own record for lies. Look at the chart produced by The Star. It’s not jobs or economic growth, it’s the number of lies told by the President of the United States. And the closer we get to the midterms, the more he lies.

Read more:

Happy Hallo'Weed is coming

Good advice

Bob Marley - Buffalo soldier

The lighter side of life

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Saturdays Ride - 400 WHP 2JZ Swapped Datsun 260Z Rat Rod - One Take

Donald Trump, the Propaganda President is clearly responsible for these acts of terrorism by his words and actions

WASHINGTON -- Disrupting a rash of targeted attacks, the U.S. Secret Service intercepted a bomb that was addressed to Hillary Clinton and a possible explosive that was sent to former President Barack Obama.
Also Wednesday, a police bomb squad was sent to CNN's offices in New York City and the newsroom was evacuated because of a suspicious package.
A U.S. official told The Associated Press that investigators believe the explosive that was discovered near the Clintons' home in Chappaqua, New York, is linked to one found Monday at the compound of liberal billionaire George Soros.

Explosive devices sent to Obama, Clintons; CNN offices evacuated in NYC

The CPC, PC and UCP are headed down the same path as they follow the GOP book of division and fear

Make America hate again: When political rhetoric turns violent

Jared Yates Sexton is an associate professor at Georgia Southern University. He is the author of The People Are Going to Rise Like the Waters Upon Your Shore: A Story of American Rage.
It began with a bomb addressed to billionaire George Soros, long the bogeyman of the paranoid right. It continued with bombs addressed to former presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama and former Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. Then, CNN was evacuated while law enforcement removed another device. And a number of suspicious packages have also been reported at locations in other parts of the United States. The mystery here is who is responsible for this orchestrated attack, but there’s no mystery as to what motivated this nightmare scenario.
For years now, the Republican Party has played with fire by stoking fear and mistrust among their base. They’ve perpetuated conspiracy theories involving murder and have portrayed their opponents as tyrants capable of coups and treason. It was a delicate dance, these appeals, but all delicacy disappeared when they anointed Donald Trump as their standard bearer.
Make no mistake, the events of Wednesday, Oct. 24, 2018, are the result of years worth of violent rhetoric, careless vilifying and fascist appeals meant to keep America’s Right in a constant state of terror and rage. This is what happens when you call for the imprisonment of political rivals, when you inspire crowds to chant “Lock them up.” This is the result of claiming the preceding president orchestrated an unlawful surveillance of your campaign without anything approaching evidence. This is what happens when you not only tolerate hateful voices such as conspiracy mogul Alex Jones, but when you appear on his show and keep him as counsel.

Read more;postID=1451989995327633159

Don't let them win

Hell No

Bob Marley No Woman no cry

Name change

Friday, October 26, 2018

Friday's Ride - 134481 / 1964 Plymouth Savoy

8 years of suffering under Barack Obama

The sentence I hear most from well-meaning, conservative friends since President Trump’s election is this: “We suffered 8 years under Barack Obama.”
Fair enough. Let’s take a look.
The day Obama took office, the Dow closed at 7,949 points. Eight years later, the Dow had almost tripled.
General Motors and Chrysler were on the brink of bankruptcy, with Ford not far behind, and their failure, along with their supply chains, would have meant the loss of millions of jobs. Obama pushed through a controversial, $8o billion bailout to save the car industry. The U.S. car industry survived, started making money again, and the entire $80 billion was paid back, with interest.
While we remain vulnerable to lone-wolf attacks, no foreign terrorist organization has successfully executed a mass attack here since 9/11.
Obama ordered the raid that killed Osama Bin Laden.

Republicans love liars like themselves

“There are many who are documenting the thousands of outright lies the President spews with the abandon of a crop duster in a tornado. And this bearing witness to history is a noble and vital task. But what I worry is that with each focus on the daily outrage, we are missing the big picture.”

Knee replacement today

The big day has arrived. At 1:00 PM I undergo right knee replacement surgery. I am looking forward to it with much anticipation and some fear the good thing is that it has become rather common the hope is that it will improve my life.

Next will be the left knee it all goes well with this surgery.

In today's world they will have me up Saturday morning using a walker then on Sunday I see the physiotherapist and then home.


Bob Marley - Everything's Gonna Be Alright

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Thursday's Ride - A 1969 Ford Mustang Mach 1 from John Wick

Your well being

The Toronto Scum (Sun) News


The Toronto Sun has a history of columnists writing xenophobic pieces — but they are met with a shrug by the rest of Canadian media.

This story was funded by the J-Source Patreon campaign
Is there any accountability in Canadian media for those who fan the flames of anti-Muslim and anti-immigration sentiment?
That question has been on my mind in recent days after a hotel in Toronto temporarily housing hundreds of asylum seekers was almost burned down in an apparent arson attempt.
The Radisson hotel in the city’s east end had attracted the attention of far-right agitators eager to paint the refugees living there as uncivilized, dirty, and dangerous. At one point, three YouTubers, including a white nationalist, went to the hotel to film and harass unsuspecting guests. Meanwhile, dozens of online reviews slammed the hotel for overcrowding and alleged bad behaviour by refugees, many of the reviews originating from accounts that only had left that single review — a clue that it may have been part of a coordinated campaign by online trolls to create accounts and flood the hotel page with angry and often racist comments.
The Toronto Sun’s Sue-Ann Levy gave the campaign more visibility when she wrote three separate columnsabout conditions at the hotel that only cited those suspicious online reviews as evidence. One especially outlandish review claimed that “goats were being slaughtered” in the public bathrooms, an unbelievable smear that Levy repeated uncritically in her Oct. 3 piece for the paper. The Radisson Hotel later said it was “completely false.”

Conservatives using fake stories and sending it out to the moron clan

Scheer's angry "dairy farmer" is a stock photo model, formerly seen on an American ethanol-lobby website. Now Photoshopped in front of some cows. 

You cannot make this up. Unless you're the Conservatives - then you make stuff up all the time. #USMCA


Bob Marley - Red Red Wine

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Wednesday's Ride - 1951 Ford Victoria Hardtop Flathead V8 Hot Rod

The ignorant and ill informed GOP

Idiots like Andrew Scheer are kissing the wrong asses

"[T]he need to cut emissions is so essential that we have to pursue all options to lower carbon while providing the energy the world needs to meet demand from a growing population seeking better living standards. Natural gas can help deliver this," reads a second open letter from the companies released to the press.

Big Oil Companies Want a Price on Carbon. Here's Why.

Sunset over the Niagara Escarpment from our balcony while BBQing

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Tuesday's Ride - 750 HP Callaway Corvette Aerowagen - One Take

Yup, he really does not care about America's reputation

Trump’s new ambassador to South Africa happens to be a Mar-a-Lago member

Handbag designer Lana Marks would become the latest Mar-a-Lago member to join the U.S. diplomatic corps.

Lana Marks has no diplomatic experience, a history of fabricating her past, and a skill-set devoted primarily to making six-figure designer handbags.
But there’s one hobby that appears to qualify her to become the U.S.’s latest ambassador: a membership at the Mar-a-Lago Club.
On Friday, the Palm Beach Daily News reported that U.S. President Donald Trump was tapping Marks to become the U.S.’s next ambassador to South Africa, confirming weeks of rumors surrounding the appointment.

A dangerous time

And now this America 97 years later it is you

Monday, October 22, 2018

Monday's Ride - The Vw Nova Kit Car

Scheer Bull

If Andrew Scheer has a coherent and constructive argument to make on trade, I really wish he would make it.
Over the summer, the leader of the federal Conservatives lashed out at the governing Liberals as Mexico and the U.S. held one-on-one talks to move the negotiations along. I challenged him at the time to explain what he'd have Canada concede to get a deal, but never heard back.
Then he tried to say Canada gave away too much to sign the United States Mexico Canada Agreement (USMCA) trade deal replacing NAFTA.
Now he is trying to claim that he'd have got a better deal.

When It Comes To Trade, Andrew Scheer Is Full Of Hot Air

It's easy to sit on the sidelines, or even further away, and make big pronouncements about what you'd get if you were at the table.
Well, as someone who has spent his working life at bargaining tables, and was part of the advisory team for the USMCA talks, I can tell you that a know hot air when I see it — and Scheer is full of it.
Just this week, Scheer told the House of Commons that he felt the USMCA contained "very generous" concessions on drug patents.I
"[The government] capitulated on pharmaceuticals, agreeing to Donald Trump's plan for higher drug costs for Canadians," Scheer said.
Really? Does that mean Scheer supports pharmacare in Canada as a way to mitigate the cost of medications in this country? If it does, Scheer needs to stop fudging and say so. In an interview with Global news, for instance, he dodged a direct question on whether he supports pharmacare, saying government should cut taxes instead.
It's worth noting that It was the previous Harper Government, of which Scheer was a member, that first opened the door to drug patent extensions under its European and Pacific trade deals, CETA and TPP.

Scheer absurdity

Celebrating our daughters birthday

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Saturday's Ride - 1965 Austin Healey 3000 MKIII BJ8

Ya gotta luv Canada's medicare system

For a little over a week now I have undergone a series of tests in preparation of knee replacement surgery nex Friday the 26th of October.

A little over a year ago I was approved for total knee replacement and put on the list of approved patients however I procrastinated, should I or should I not. I really had second thoughts then in August I said to hell with it lets do it, the gel injections didn't help so JUST DO IT.

I asked the receptionist at the surgeons office if I was still on the list. I was, I said I'm ready and when she glance at her computer and gave me a surgery date I was stunned but said OK.

So in lead up to the big day I have seen a specialist in cardiology due to my previous heart surgery. He scheduled a nuclear imaging scan of my heart to ensure blood flow was good and a stress test where they inject a substance that simulates treadmill stress. I had an electro cardiogram and an echo cardiogram at his office.

I then saw my own family doctor then I had a 3 hour seminar at the hospital outlining the surgery, physio, medications, and recovery exercises with 12 sessions at physiotherapist after surgery.

Today I was back at the hospital for more tests and meetings with an OR nurse, an anesthesiologist, blood test and electro cardio gram (again) and an x-ray of my knee.

Times sure have changed since I had my quad bi-pass surgery in 2014, then all that happened was the surgeon came in after my angiogram and said "You have 4 blocked arteries, we're suggesting a quad bi-pass, the down side is a stroke or death but that doesn't happen often the up side better quality of life.

Pre-Op consisted of a blood test, a suppository, a shower, a shave of all appropriate areas and a meet and greet with the OR team.

Total cost of both surgeries NADA, ZILCH, NOTHING

Monday, October 15, 2018

Monday's Ride - 1969 AMC AMX: Two Seat Underdog | Muscle Car Memories

What the GOP doesn't want to talk about

Treasury showed what no president ever wants to admit: The deficit is spiking. The federal government’s red ink this year is already 21 percent above what it was in 2017, and there are few prospects that the bottom line will improve anytime soon.
Except with infrequent and unsubstantiated platitudes about how the situation is going to get better, the Trump White House and Republicans in Congress have been doing everything possible not to talk about the budget this year. To avoid tough questions and politically embarrassing votes, the House and Senate have even refused to consider a budget even though they are required by law to adopt one.
But this year isn’t the real issue.

Trump trillion-dollar-plus deficits are putting America on a path to fiscal ruin

Friday, October 12, 2018

Friday's Ride - Russian Beriev Be-200 Multipurpose Amphibious Aircraft

Populism: Nothing more than modern day communism

A term coined by the alt right intended to make the followers of conservatism believe the elitists and one percenters care about the working class and those below the poverty line.

If we look at modern day politics in Russia under Putin and America under Trump we see a pattern of similarity, perhaps not the dictatorship... yet, but America is getting there.

We are seeing a similarity in Ford Nation in Ontario where cuts are being made to services for the most vulnerable, this is the intent of populism to drive down the masses, reduce education, feed the coffers of the wealthy.

Sadly this is the same political system that many railed against in the 50's and 60's. They misinformed the masses by lumping socialism in with communism and have systematically oppressed the people to the point where many are disillusioned with what is happening to them and they are looking for a savior, something or someone to raise them up and that is where Donald Trump has succeeded and Stephen Harper is preaching to the upper class.

Populism is nothing more than false hope. And many are ripe for the picking.

I am not alone in my opinion

Don’t fall for populism’s false promises

It never ceases to amaze me how much smarter and perceptive politicians are before and after their time in office, but never during. Case in point: Stephen Harper’s new bookRight Here, Right Now: Politics and Leadership in the Age of Disruption, which looks interesting. But I have to quibble.
I don’t believe the future belongs to populism. Harper is right about his main observation, that: “A large proportion of Americans, including many American conservatives, voted for Trump because they are really not doing very well. In short, the world of globalization is not working for many of our own people.”
True, as far as that goes. Whether Trump supporters could tell you exactly what might have happened to the standards of living of everyone including themselves if North America had remained at 1970s levels of technological lack of advancement while the rest of the world adopted just-in-time delivery, automation and all the other fun stuff we can no longer live without would be an interesting question to ask them, but fortunately for them nobody ever does that.
Harper says we have a choice between trying to convince Trumpians “that they misunderstand their own lives, or we can try to understand what they are saying. Then we can decide what to do about it.”
OK, I’ll bite. I don’t think they misunderstand their lives. But they misunderstand a whole bunch of nearly everything else. I’ve listened to them a lot and, as far as I can tell, what the folks who vote for whatever populist yahoo is on offer have to say is, “we’re sick and tired of not being respected and of not having a big enough say over the rules we have to live under, move over elites we don’t need you,” which is sometimes translated as “lock her up.”
Basically, they’re have-nots and left-behinds who don’t want to be that way, but aren’t too sure how to get out of their unfortunate basket.

This is populism


Read what Ford is doing to you:

Is this the first of many?

Why I Resigned My CPC Membership

Today I resign my membership in the Conservative Party of Canada. I do so with a heavy heart but with principle, good public policy and a better Canada as my goal. Membership in the Conservative Party of Canada has proven to be useless.

Under the current leadership of Andrew Scheer, the party has taken a policy of closed nominations and disenfranchising members in their ability to select their candidate of choice in their ridings.  Under the leadership of Andrew Scheer, the Conservative Party supported the ill-conceived and impossible to implement Paris Accord.  Under Andrew Scheer, he and his Manitoba MPs refuse to publicly criticize the Made-In-Manitoba carbon tax.  Not once in the two years that I have been speaking out against the Pallister Tax have the Conservative MPs echoed the call to axe the Manitoba tax.  Nor have they supported the principle of no carbon tax in Manitoba. The Federal Conservative MPs in Manitoba undermine their own position with their silence on the Made-in-Manitoba carbon tax. 

Andrew Scheer stated over and over again that he was prepared to sacrifice free trade with the United States and Mexico, and sacrifice the 200,000 jobs that are dependant on it, to protect the Dairy Cartel and their high prices in Canada for milk, cheese and other dairy products.  In fact, he even used various tricks to prevent delegates at the Party Policy Convention from even discussing the issue.

Under Andrew Scheer, rather than building a team based on common principles he simply looks to polls and special interest groups for direction.

Canada Vignettes: Log Driver's Waltz

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Thursday's Ride - Kawasaki ZX-10RR new 2019 First look Exhaust sound

Cuts to Ontario's social asstistance umbrella

When one individual inflicts bodily injury upon another such that death results, we call the deed manslaughter; when the assailant knew in advance that the injury would be fatal, we call his deed murder. But when society places hundreds of proletarians in such a position that they inevitably meet a too early and an unnatural death, one which is quite as much a death by violence as that by the sword or bullet; when it deprives thousands of the necessaries of life, places them under conditions in which they cannot live — forces them, through the strong arm of the law, to remain in such conditions until that death ensues which is the inevitable consequence — knows that these thousands of victims must perish, and yet permits these conditions to remain, its deed is murder just as surely as the deed of the single individual; disguised, malicious murder, murder against which none can defend himself, which does not seem what it is, because no man sees the murderer, because the death of the victim seems a natural one, since the offence is more one of omission than of commission. But murder it remains.

Social murder and the Doug Ford government

What is the relevance of this analysis for Ontario today? Statistics Canada documents that Canadian men in the lowest 20 per cent of the income distribution are 67 per cent more likely to die in any given year than the wealthiest 20 per cent. For women, the figure is 52 per cent more likely.
And what do they die of? These men and women respectively are 67 per cent and 53 per cent more likely to die from heart disease, 46 per cent and 30 per cent more likely to die from cancer, 249 per cent and 264 per cent more likely to die from diabetes, 231 per cent and 211 per cent more likely to die from respiratory disease and 88 per cent and 83 per cent more likely to die from injuries than their wealthy counterparts.
Statistics Canada also makes clear that these differences in health outcomes are primarily due to the material living circumstances and the associated psychosocial stresses associated with not being as well off as the wealthiest 20 per cent of Canadians: “Income influences health most directly through access to material resources such as better quality food and shelter.”
Any reasonable leader would do all they could do improve the financial situation of these at-risk for disease and death individuals.
Instead we see, Doug Ford cancelling a minimum-wage increase and reducing social assistance increases.

The facts on carbon tax eludes the intellectually deprived conservatives in Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta

In 2008, the British Columbia Liberal Party, which confoundingly leans right, introduced a tax on the carbon emissions of businesses and families, cars and trucks, factories and homes across the province. The party stuck to the tax even as the left-leaning New Democratic Party challenged it in provincial elections the next year under the slogan Axe the Tax. The conservatives won soundly at the polls.
Their experience shows that cutting carbon emissions enough to make a difference in preventing global warming remains a difficult challenge. But the most important takeaway for American skeptics is that the policy basically worked as advertised.

Does a Carbon Tax Work? Ask British Columbia