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Friday, April 13, 2018

How dumb is Ford and the PC voter????

Ontario businessman who saved millions by going green reveals his secret

Paul Rak is a businessman, not an environmental activist.
But when he realized eco-friendly changes could save him money, double his equipment and allow him to hire more workers at his southern Ontario metal fabrication plant, he couldn't refuse.
“It’s a huge misnomer to say, ‘Oh, it’s going to cost jobs,’” Rak explained. “If you increase standards, you improve employment.” #cleaneconomy
The cost-cutting measures also happened to slash his plant's carbon pollution.
Since 2006, Rak said he's saved $2 million and grown his workforce by 25 per cent at VeriForm Inc. in Cambridge, Ont., through dozens of adjustments to the plant's natural gas and electricity use.

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