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Monday, April 30, 2018

Monday's Ride - Pontiac El Catalina Safari Pickup 1959

A vote for Ford is a vote to return to 1938

Sick, truly sick and perverse

What change looks like in a Doug Ford government

Doug Ford hasn’t publicly uttered all the words spoken by Tanya Granic Allen, notwithstanding his record of vulgarisms when denigrating people who annoyed or challenged him, but the so-called straight shooter has played a double game of first embracing Granic Allen, and only later distancing himself — and never denouncing her hateful words.

YOU CAN'T STOP HIS TWEETS! A Randy Rainbow Song Parody

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Saturday's Ride - 1965 Corvair Monza 4 Door with 300 HP 4.3 Liter V6 Hot Rod - Eastwood

This is what you are voting for with Ford -

Ugly Conservative Harris history...
I did mention that welfare IT system didn't I....
“Six times higher”: the Andersen Consulting scandal
In 1997, the province contracted out a Business Transformation Project in the Ministry of Community and Social Services to make major changes to the social assistance system. The ministry’s contract with Andersen Consulting (later re-named Accenture) caught the attention of the provincial auditor very early on. In his 1998 report, the auditor noted that the Ministry “had not sufficiently defined or established the project’s scope and desired business results [and] could not demonstrate that it had adequately considered either other contracting arrangements or maximizing the use of its own internal resources for any aspects of this project.”9
The Ministry “could not provide the basis for its agreement to pay Andersen Consulting a fee of up to $180 million,” the auditor noted, observing that the contract between the ministry and the company allowed the company “to charge standard published billing rates for this project, which were, on average, almost six times higher than the rates charged by the Ministry for comparable staff”10 and that the company was allowed to unilaterally increase those fees “from time to time.” 11
The Ministry did not have receipts for most of the $1.4 million in out-of-pocket expenses the company billed the government for; those charges “averaged approximately $26,000 for each full-time-equivalent position assigned to the project during the first year.” 12 Chastened by the provincial auditor’s report and an investigation by a committee of the legislature, Andersen Consulting was forced to renegotiate its arrangement. But in a special report two years later, the auditor still found that “our concern remains that under the renegotiated agreement Andersen Consulting is still receiving a disproportionate amount of the benefit pool in relation to its work effort.”
Indeed, Andersen’s rate for a consultant was still $280 an hour for work that cost the Ministry between $45 and $115 an hour when performed by its own staff.13 The rollout of the Business Transformation Project was originally planned for completion by June 1999; as of 2000 that date had been changed to January 2002, a full two-and-a-half years behind schedule.

Friday, April 27, 2018

Friday's Ride - 1936 Hudson Terraplane 150 mph run Speedweek 2017

Do you seriously want to return the the Harris years???

Electing Mike Harris

Twenty years ago today, Ontario voted in one of its most controversial governments.

Reciting the opening of Robert Frost’s poem “The Road Not Taken” might have surprised some of those attending the victory celebration at Mike Harris’s North Bay campaign headquarters on June 8, 1995. Though the selection was suggested by one of the premier-elect’s aides, it well represented the way Harris and his advisors reshaped the Ontario Progressive Conservatives from the flailing husk of the once-mighty “Big Blue Machine” to a hard-right party whose tight messaging allowed them to walk away with what was supposed to have been an easy victory for Lyn McLeod’s Liberals.
The decision Ontario voters made 20 years ago had significant repercussions, many of which we are still dealing with. The Harris team wasn’t kidding when they talked revolution.
When the writ dropped on April 28, 1995, it was clear that premier Bob Rae’s NDP government was toast. Since its election in 1990, it had endured a recession, the hostility of the business community and press, and its own financial blunders in raising the provincial deficit. The implementation of the “Social Contract” of public-service wage cuts, and the ensuing “Rae Days,” alienated traditional NDP supporters among public sector and labour unions. While Rae himself maintained some respect among the public, his government sank to the bottom of Lake Ontario in opinion polls. The NDP issued few promises during the 1995 campaign, preferring to stand on their record and reputation as a party with a conscience.

Taking from the taxpayer at the benefit of the private sector is a conservative mantra

The Teranet fire sale Term two of Ugly Harris PC government in ON
In 2003, the Ernie Eves government sold its 50 per cent stake in Teranet, the province’s electronic land registry service, for $370 million. This valued Teranet at $740 million, but the profits from Teranet’s operations indicate clearly that this was much too low. In 2003, Teranet’s profits were $118 million on sales of $190 million, giving it a stunning profit margin of 62 per cent. With profits like that – and considerable growth potential – a better estimate of the company’s value would have been closer to $2 billion, not $740 million. The difference was all money lost by the people of Ontario – and gained by the private investor who snapped it up at a fire-sale price.23

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Thursday's Ride - peugeot 203 decouvrable 1952

Government by corporations

The corporate world has become so powerful in politics that it is no longer "Government for the people by the people".

You want to raise the CPP, good luck with that. To raise the CPP we need to raise the contributions at the source that means raising the workers contribution and the employers contribution. The last time the subject came up corporate Canada lobbied against it and the conservatives tanked the idea. All parties fear the corporate oligarchs, none learned their power quicker than Bob Rae when he became premier of Ontario.

The hidden history of Bob Rae's government in Ontario

Read more:

Ford wants to feed the greedy - corporations answer to shareholders not voters

We have record high corporate profits, and he wants to give them another $4 billion — how does that make any sense?

Ford Proposes $4 Billion Handout to Corporations

Ontario Conservative Leader Doug Ford announced a plan to give corporations a big tax break, dropping their tax rate from 11.5% to 10.5%.
Ford has argued this is necessary to encourage businesses to set up shop in Ontario. But corporate profits in Ontario have never been larger.
In the first quarter of last year, corporations raked in $133 billion of profit in Ontario. This was up 15% from Q1 of the previous year and represented a record-high 16.1% of Ontario’s GDP.
It is certainly not the case that corporations are in need of an additional incentive to do business in Ontario — they are already doing better than ever before.

Enough cuts - say no to Ford

Harris PC government failures that continue to haunt us. Recently there have been articles about Carillion the private contractor for road maintenance going bankrupt. 

Memory lane for highway maintenance:
Cutting corners on highway maintenance

In 1996, the Ministry of Transportation began a multi-year plan to contract out all highway maintenance on the province’s highways, including the 400-series highways. At the time, the Harris government said privatization would save the government at least five per cent compared to the ministry’s costs. The 1999 provincial auditor’s report, however, revealed that of the first four maintenance contracts, three had actually cost more under private operation.

1 Auditor Erik Peters also found that subsequent to awarding highway maintenance contracts, the Ministry engaged the contractors to perform additional work without tender and offered these contractors surplus ministry vehicles and equipment without going through the required public auction.

2 “Perhaps the biggest danger to taxpayers from managed outsourcing is that MTO equipment gets given away at fire-sale prices,” MTO purchasing officer George Kerhanovich said at the time. “It’s happening now. Contractors are picking up MTO plows and trucks for a song. Taxpayers are not getting fair value.”

Even more significant than the financial losses from privatization were the safety issues noted by Erik Peters: “There were concerns that individual patrol areas were too large to adequately monitor the work of contractors to ensure that provincial highways were safe, usable and protected from untimely deterioration.”4 Credit

The facts and nothing but the facts on Doug the Slugs plan to help minimum wage workers

Doug Ford’s Brilliant Plan to Help Minimum Wage Workers Leaves Them a Thousand Dollars Poorer

Doug Ford’s proposal would take more than a thousand dollars out of the pockets of Ontario’s minimum wage workers
Folks, Doug Ford’s got a plan to help minimum wage workers make ends meet.
Only problem? Well, the plan does not actually help minimum wage workers so much as it takes over one thousand dollars out of their pockets.
Promising to help “folks that are working their back off for minimum wage,” the Ontario PC leader recently promised to introduce a new tax credit for anyone earning minimum wage.
That might sound nice at first glance, but look closer – there’s a really big catch.
As part of the same plan, Ford will also clawback the minimum wage from $15 to $14 by cancelling the next increase scheduled for January 2019.

Calm, cool, collected

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Wednesday's Ride - Volvo PV 444 A 1947, 74000 km, 3 owner, all original. Full history.

Watch conservative heads explode - bwahahaha

There will be a few names globally that will become etched in our history books. They will be the names that mark the shift in our political landscape, when younger politicians took the reins and heralded a different type of politics. Justin Trudeau will be one of them. Youth alone is not remarkable, but winning over people with a message of hope and warmth, tolerance and inclusion, when other politicians the world over choose an easier route—that is remarkable.
Ardern is the Prime Minister of New Zealand

The most honest and insightful view of what is happening in oil and politics today

Kevin Taft on what turned Rachel Notley from crusading critic to big oil crusader

I spent four years in the Alberta legislature with Rachel Notley, from 2008 to 2012. I liked and admired her and was delighted when she became premier in 2015. Today when I watch her on pipeline and oil issues I ask myself, what happened to the Rachel Notley I knew? And I wonder if the same thing will happen to John Horgan.
Before they formed government, Rachel Notley and the Alberta NDP were effective critics of the oil industry who called for higher royalties, solutions to global warming, and upgrading more bitumen in Alberta. In the political blink of an eye they became crusading champions for Texas-based corporation Kinder Morgan, which wants to expand its Trans Mountain pipeline to carry raw bitumen from Alberta to the port of Vancouver, to be shipped for processing abroad. The companies that extract Alberta’s bitumen are mostly foreign owned and pay as little as 1 per cent in royalties and some of the lowest corporate taxes in the country, and they have tens of billions of dollars in unfunded environmental liabilities at risk to taxpayers.
So how to explain Notley’s reversal? Let’s start by dispensing with some myths being spread by her, the media, and industry.#cdnpoli #ableg
So how to explain Notley’s reversal? Let’s start by dispensing with some myths being spread by her, the media, and industry.
First, this is not about getting more royalties. Royalties are the price industry pays to buy the raw bitumen from its owner, the Alberta government. Alberta’s royalty rates were chopped to fire sale levels in 1997 by the Klein government and Notley has left them there. In 2016, for example, Syncrude had gross revenues of $3.4 billion and paid a mere $37 million in royalties, just over one percent. The past two years the Alberta government earned more from liquor sales and gambling than from selling almost three million barrels of bitumen a day to big oil companies. It is a silent scandal Alberta’s NDP refuse to address.
Second, building or blocking this pipeline is neither an economic bonanza nor an economic disaster for Alberta or Canada. Trans Mountain will reduce transportation costs for oil companies and open new markets for bitumen, but its capacity only covers about twelve percent of Canada’s total oil production, and alternate pipeline projects are underway.
Third, this is not about creating long-term jobs, because pipelines take only a few people to operate and the oil industry is replacing people with technology everywhere it can. Neither is it about economic development: shipping raw material for processing in other countries is the model for colonies, not for fully developed economies.
So why is Rachel Notley throwing the country into political crisis?
The easy answer is that it improves her chances in next year’s election, but that glosses over this much deeper reality: Rachel Notley may be in office but the oil industry is in power. Wherever its interests are concerned the oil industry runs Alberta. To a lesser but significant degree the same thing applies in Ottawa.
Here is what I mean. Governments are made of many parts and in a healthy democracy these parts counterbalance one another. Opposition parties counterbalance governing parties; the courts counterbalance legislatures; regulators counterbalance industries, and so on.
Not so in Alberta, at least not when the interests of the oil industry are at stake.For decades the industry has spent millions of dollars targeting political parties on both sides of the legislature; civil servants; universities; think tanks; regulators; non-profit groups; the media; and more. The industry has formed a state within the state that I call “oil’s deep state.”

Harris, Harper now Ford????

Harris history - a walk through tainted meat
Meat inspection goes bad
In 1997, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs laid off all but a handful of provincial meat inspectors and created a new model in which roughly 95 per cent of the inspectorate consisted of meat inspectors employed as independent contractors, i.e., they were not provincial employees. After the Aylmer meat scandal of 2003, the Haines Inquiry into meat inspection found that, among other things, inspectors who closed down a slaughterhouse that did not comply with provincial regulations were, in effect, laying themselves off. This obvious conflict of interest and other issues that posed a threat to public health and safety resulted in the return of meat inspection to the public service in 2004.8

Growing up in the 50’s

As the song say “Those were the days my friend” it was a time of innocence, public transit was the primary mode of transportation and life was simple then.
We had moved from Verdun to NDG in 1950 and Rosalyn and I attended Herbert Symonds Public school one of my best friends was Alan Hill, there were four boys Billy, Chicky, Alan and Richard Billy was a weight lifter/bodybuilder who owned a gym on Amherst St in the east end of Montreal Chicky got his nickname because he was born at the same time as Mr. Hill opened the Indian Room chicken coop on St. Catherine Street.
Alan and I would take the 108 down to Atwater and grab the 15 to Amherst when we were 10 years old and lift weights at Billy’s gym. Afterward we walked along St. Catherine to the Indian Room, a spectacular art deco styled restaurant where Mr. Hill would be seated at a private table on the third tier level overlooking the restaurant. We would seat ourselves at a table next to him and the staff would cater to us. After which we would head down to the basement where the food prep area was and play.
Imagine two ten year old boys walking St. Catherine after dark then hopping the bus to head home around 10 P.M., sure couldn’t do that today.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Tuesday's Ride - 1968 Olds 442 W30 For sale

Ford wants to return to the Harris days while starving the low income earner to feed the rich

A walk down nasty history lane- PC Harris Gov
"Common Sense Revolution" 

First term

- repeal of the previous NDP’s legislation that prevented strike- 
bound companies from hiring replacement workers

- 26-per-cent cut to provincial welfare rates

- sole sourced contract for new welfare administration failed.
Eventually had to be re-written years late and significantly

- an end to employment equity programs

- drastic reduction in the staff of the Ministry of the Environment

- Native demonstrator, Dudley George shot by OPP officers during a dispute over land claims at a provincial park

- George family launched a lawsuit against Harris

. Harris response was initiating his own legal actions against a Toronto newspaper he believed had libeled him over his role in the affair.

- Significant public-service and health-care budget cuts were announced, affecting large numbers of government and medical workers. 

- province’s entire system of elementary and secondary education was to be overhauled. 

- Large tax cuts were to be introduced at the same time as the deficit inherited from previous NDP and Liberal administrations was to be eliminated. 

- Young offenders were to be sent to boot camps 

- welfare recipients were to be compelled to participate in workfare programs if they wanted to continue to receive
their benefits. 

- Neoliberal policies, no matter how distasteful to specific groups affected by them, were imposed quickly, firmly, and with a minimum of input and consultation, especially from those directly involved

- abour and social-action groups organized mass “days of action” protests that brought tens of thousands into the streets in 1995 and 1996, shutting down schools, government offices, and public transport. 

- In 1997, a two-week province-wide teachers’ political action was called in response to the government’s education reforms, which included an increased workload and mandatory testing for teachers, and a new education funding formula that reduced the amount of money available to school boards. 

- Employees in the provincial health-care sector, including nurses, doctors, and hospital workers, also demonstrated, expressing their frustration over a massive restructuring of the system that involved significant budget cuts and layoffs. 

- The six municipalities that had once composed Metropolitan Toronto were forcibly merged into one big “megacity” despite strong opposition from local politicians, and a massive “no” vote of the city’s residents
(The end of the recession of the early 1990s, a booming U.S. economy stimulated the demand for consumer goods, reducing unemployment and boosting provincial tax revenues so Harris claimed he'd created lots of jobs.)

Lets not forget that Harris began the sell off of Ontario Hydro and then the sale of the 407 to a consortium of private foreign investors.

Welfare subsidies have not even come close to reaching the then existing levels which leave many hopelessly trapped. Hospitals, highways, and everything else still are in trauma. Harris cut revenues and services laying ground for privatization which draws even more funds away from services and quality since profit must be made. Driving an economy down to push profits higher is what they did then, and still support.

He also changed Ontario tourism into a user pay and not representing all of Ontario unless the areas paid dearly for inclusion.

Doesn’t sound too extreme unless you saw how he flipped the minister of tourism each year of Five! And his govt d
idn’t have a clue how integrated tourism actually is... until sars hit hard and almost shut down the city of Toronto.

Walkerton. A place where Harris and Murdoch the MPP denied it ever could’ve been about cuts... until you talked to ministry of enviro ppl who said otherwise

Thanks to robin Chat, Sylvia Ray

Slime ball politician

How the Trump-Clinton campaign became a Ford-Wynne rematch

The Progressive Conservative leader played his Trump card against the premier this week, and the ugliness looks unstoppable, writes Martin Regg Cohn.
We’ve been warned: This will be an election unlike any other since Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton for the American presidency.
Get ready for a rematch of sorts on local soil, pitting PC Leader Doug Ford against Liberal Premier Kathleen Wynne. It’s already happening here, now — three weeks before the official campaign begins for the June 7 vote.
While the outcome remains unpredictable, the ugliness looks unstoppable. The more Ford lashes out, the more Wynne vows to throw it right back at him.

This was done during the regime of Stephen Harper to protect the likes of Rebel News

So it was Harper who loosen the reigns allowing media to push fake news and allowing media to attack without proving what they are saying!!! This article is from 2011 when this began. And in the 2015 campaign and before and now... media isn't held to account to tell the truth. Think India!

Truth, lies and broadcasting in Canada

The CRTC is flirting with danger.
A recent, little-noticed news item may result in a deep and indelible blemish on the Canadian mosaic.
Earlier this month, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), without fanfare, posted on its website a potential game-changer in the world of broadcast journalism. The CRTC is seeking to relax restrictions concerning the broadcasting of specious information on radio and television.
Currently, the law stipulates that broadcasters “shall not broadcast any false or misleading news.”
Sounds reasonable enough — and straightforward — as it should, since it concerns the integrity of news reporting.
But not apparently to the CRTC. It is proposing to soften the regulation, banning “any news that the licensee knows is false or misleading and that endangers or is likely to endanger the lives, health or safety of the public.”
In short, with the new wording, broadcasters could air false or misleading news with impunity, provided that it does not endanger the lives, health or safety of the public.
Unfortunately, the CRTC does not specify who will judge whether or not such disinformation poses a danger.
An aphorism comes to mind, “If it’s fixed, break it.”

Monday, April 23, 2018

Monday's Ride - SAAB Sonett 1956

Why I don't support conservatives

When Harris began the sell off of Ontario Hydro to balance the budget his supporters agreed with him.

When Harris sold the 407 to balance the budget his supporters agreed with him.

The sell off of federal and provincial crown corporations is supported by conservatives at all levels of government until they lose the election then they twist the uncomfortable truth and blame the incoming party.

Because of this twisted mentality I find it impossible to trust or believe anything they say.... a liar is a liar not simply a stranger of the truth.

The present government of Ontario stopped the construction of gas plants, to appease civilian protesters, and cost taxpayers dearly however the present premier was not involved in either decision but again the twisted minds of conservatives prevails..... SAD

More Bull from the Professional ShooteHurlerr

Doug Ford vows to cut Ontario’s corporate income tax to 10.5 per cent

Ontario’s Progressive Conservatives promised Wednesday to cut the provincial corporate income tax if they win the spring election, saying the move would stimulate job growth and boost the economy.
Newly minted Tory Leader Doug Ford said his party would cut the rate from the current 11.5 per cent to 10.5 per cent.
“We’re going to create the environment to make sure this province is the most prosperous province anywhere in Canada,” he said. “We’ll make sure we have the most competitive region in North America to do business.”

Comment fount on twitter:

Armine Yalnizyan @ArmineYalnizyan 4h4 hours ago
What the tax cut agenda means is "you can't have more, you can't have better".
It's framed as being about choice - you know how to spend your money better than government.
But you can't choose things that markets don't create: affordable housing, childcare, good transit etc.

Armine Yalnizyan @ArmineYalnizyan 4h4 hours ago
Drives me crazy when politicians promise to keep your taxes low, freeze them, or cut them. 
What they're saying is - we're going to give you less (inflation, maintenance costs will mean you get less quality and less quantity).
Let's challenge this in Toronto, in Ontario, in CDA

Armine Yalnizyan @ArmineYalnizyan 4h4 hours ago
Easy access to services that improve quality of life means everyone can optimize their contributions to the economy.
Healthier, more educated, more connected people. 
Better economic performance. 
More growth.
*Better lives*, individually and collectively.

Pity the Nation, by Lawrence Ferlinghetti

Say cheese

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Sunday's Ride - 1954 Peugeot 175 Motorcycle

The Worlds top 100 most influential people by Barack Obama

Cameron Kasky, Jaclyn Corin, David Hogg, Emma Gonzalez and Alex Wind

Read more:

America’s response to mass shootings has long followed a predictable pattern. We mourn. Offer thoughts and prayers. Speculate about the motives. And then—even as no developed country endures a homicide rate like ours, a difference explained largely by pervasive accessibility to guns; even as the majority of gun owners support commonsense reforms—the political debate spirals into acrimony and paralysis.
This time, something different is happening. This time, our children are calling us to account.
"Also clic on photo for video"

Anybody but Doug

Shame on Doug for deceiving low income voters

Doug Ford wants you to subsidize the poverty wages of corporations

Doug Ford, the new leader of the Conservatives in Ontario, has called the plan to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour in January, 2019 a "tax grab" --which of course it is not.

It is legislation that would force corporations to pay their workers something more approaching a living wage. It is not a tax at all. Rather it makes those who should be paying workers more -- the businesses those workers work for -- do so.

Instead Ford proposes that minimum wage workers should get a tax cut. This tax cut would amount an extra $859 a year for full time minimum wage workers. The higher minimum wage would mean an extra $1,553 a year for that same worker.

So Ford's plan is quite literally a proposal by a rich guy that would take $694 a year out of the pockets of lowest wage workers in the province.

According to the CBC and others, Ford's plan works out even worse for part-time minimum wage workers. 

Powerful stories

Powerful stories, to be so short.

These twelve short stories are all very good stories and make us think twice about the daily happenings in our lives as we deal with others!! 

1. Today, I interviewed my grandmother for part of a research paper I'm   working on for my Psychology class.  When I asked her to define success in  her own words, she said;

"Success is when you look back at your life and the memories make you smile."

------------------------------ ----------------------

2.  Today, I asked my mentor - a very successful business man in his 70s  what his top 3 tips are for success.  He smiled and said;
"Read something no one else is reading, think something no one else is thinking, and do
  something no one else is doing."

------------------------------ ------------------------

3.   Today, after my 72-hour shift at the fire station, a woman ran up to me  at the grocery store and gave me a hug.  When I tensed up, she realized I didn't recognize her.   She let go with tears of joy in her eyes and the most  sincere smile and said;

"On 9-11-2001, you carried me out of the World Trade Center."

------------------------------ -------------------------

4.  Today, after I watched my dog get run over by a car, I sat on the side of the road holding him and crying.    And just before he died;
he licked the tears off my face.

------------------------------ -------------------------

5.  Today at 7AM, I woke up feeling ill, but decided I needed the money, so I went into work.   At 3PM I got laid off. On my drive home I got a flat tire.    When I went into the trunk for the spare, it was flat too.

A man in  a BMW pulled over, gave me a ride, we chatted, and then he offered me a job.

I start tomorrow.

------------------------------ -------------------------

6.  Today, as my father, three brothers, and two sisters stood around my mother's hospital bed, my mother uttered her last coherent words before she died. 
She simply said, "I feel so loved right now.   We should have gotten together like this more often."

------------------------------ -------------------------

7. Today, I kissed my dad on the forehead as he passed away in a small hospital bed.   About 5 seconds after he passed,

I realized it was the first  time I had given him a kiss since I was a little boy.

------------------------------ -------------------------

8.  Today, in the cutest voice, my 8-year-old daughter asked me to start  recycling.   I chuckled and asked, "Why?" She replied, "So you can help me save the planet." I chuckled again and asked, "And why do you want to save the planet?"

Because that's where I keep all my stuff," she said.

------------------------------ -------------------------

9. Today, when I witnessed a 27-year-old breast cancer patient laughing hysterically at her 2-year-old daughter's antics, I suddenly realized that, 

I need to stop complaining about my life and start celebrating it again.

------------------------------ -------------------------

10.  Today, a boy in a wheelchair saw me desperately struggling on crutches  with my broken leg and offered to carry my backpack and books for me.  He helped me all the way across campus to my class and as he was leaving he said,

"I hope you feel better soon."

------------------------------ -------------------------

11.   Today, I was feeling down because the results of a biopsy came back malignant. When I got home, I opened an e-mail that said, "Thinking of you today.   If you need me, I'm a phone call away."

It was from a high school friend I hadn't seen in 10 years.

------------------------------ --------------------------

12.   Today, I was traveling in Kenya and I met a refugee from Zimbabwe.    He  said he hadn't eaten anything in over 3 days and looked extremely skinny and unhealthy.    Then my friend offered him the rest of the sandwich he was  eating.

The first thing the man said was, "We can share it."

------------------------------ --------------------------

The best sermons are lived, not preached.

Thanks Kerry