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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Michael Harris

Talk of Trudeau’s inexperience little more than Conservative pulp fiction

In Stephen Harper’s republic of fictions, one of the bigger ones is that Justin Trudeau isn’t qualified to be prime minister.

Nonsense. In a democracy, we all are or none of us is.

The current prime minister has offered a lot of reasons why people should vote for him.
First there was honesty, accountability, and cleaning up government.

That didn’t go so well, so next came the pipeline economy. Everything will be fine if only we drop the maple leaf and put a barrel of oil on our flag.

But is that really such a good thing?

The province that has most of the stuff is racking up debt at the rate of $11 million a day, and is in hock for $7.8 billion. In 2004, Ralph Klein held up a “Paid Off” sign and Alberta was debt free. Where is all the dough going? Why is Norway’s sovereign fund worth a trillion dollars and Alberta’s just $8.9 billion after subtracting the province’s $7.8 billion deficit?

Added to the pipeline mythology, Harper added the boast about fiscal management and having the best finance minister in the world.

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