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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Team Idiot - The HarperCon story of how to turn friends into enemies and raise consumer pricing

So..... as they try to sell the Americans on the Keystone project John Baird goes and tells them to "shit or get off the pot". Now Fast Eddie and Ritz "Crackers" bomb on the labeling of meat shipped to the US..... and now they are considering punishing the Canadian consumer by putting tariffs on American goods.

Smooth move idiots.....

Canada loses latest battle with U.S. government over meat labeling

OTTAWA - Canada has lost the latest battle with the U.S. government over meat labeling.
American lawmakers have refused to make changes to country-of-origin labeling that had been sought by the Canadian government and beef and pork producers.

Federal Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz and International Trade Minister Ed Fast say they're disappointed, adding Canada may retaliate by imposing tariffs on a wide range of American products.

Country-of-origin labeling rules are blamed for complicating the import of meat and livestock into the U.S. from Canada and for reducing the amount of Canadian exports to the country by half since 2008.

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