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Thursday, August 1, 2013

How Harper Uses Psychology to Peddle Myths

The barely hidden agenda is to unravel Canada's signature public health care model in favour of an aggregate of more expensive, more fragmented and less universal corporate models.

Just as the Harper government corrupted the environmental file (in the name of "streamlining"), by drastically removing federal oversight and involvement (vacating jurisdiction), so too is it "vacating jurisdiction" of health care.

The agenda is being achieved by starving the provinces of required funding. Once the 2014 Health Accord is expired, the Harper government will reduce its Canada Health Transfers (CHT's) -- monies transferred from the federal government to the provinces -- by $36 billion, up to the end of 2024.
The void of insufficient funding will be filled by corporate health care.

Once this is achieved, Canadians' access to health care will be restricted, user fees will increase, insurance coverage will cost more, and patient fatalities will rise in number.

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