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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Best ad commercial ever filmed.

Across Germany's northern-most border with Denmark you'll find an incredible superstore called Fleggaard. There, you can buy everything you need: tubs of Gummi bears, cases of wine, industrial strength dishwashing detergent, etc., at prices 30% cheaper than you'll find in Denmark. It is Denmark's Costco, packaged as a German loophole. This is one of their advertisements! The 100+ women do stunts in the air, while free-falling, and holding hands to spell out "Half-off on Washing Machines at Fleggaard."You'd be hard-pressed to find a man in Denmark who hasn't seen, and fallen in love, with this commercial, which is good since it was geared strictly to men. The ad is real! Below is the link to simply the best commercial ever made. Watch for the blonde!
Thanks Randy

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