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Monday, November 12, 2012

Are wind turbines causing depression for Canadians?

Apparently some fool paid for a study to determine if wind turbines were causing depression. When I first read the article I thought it was laughable since the study only affects Canadians.

I have since changed my opinion.

The majority of wind turbines are installed in non-urban areas and after reading an article that stated the majority of those living outside of urban areas tend to vote Conservative I realized that wind turbines and sound intrusion would have a detrimental affect on those individuals who live near a wind farm and vote Conservative.

Those who live in urban areas tend to vote NDP, Liberal or Green and are accustomed to the noise intrusion of urban life. I excluded the Bloc voter from my study since their demographics are singular and based on the premise they want to take their wind turbine and go home.

Also, it is my understanding that the noise made by wind turbines in Quebec and the rest of Canada is slightly different. In Canada the sound is a whoosh.... whoosh... whoosh.... while in Quebec it is a wop.... wop.... wop... and that sounds like money to Quebec politicians.

The study brought me to the logical conclusion that Conservative voters are weaker minded than those who vote NDP, Liberal and Green.

And that good people is as scientific and accurate as any Conservative government study.

"Yee Haw! Ride that Conservative pipeline cowboy"

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