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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Suppressing science....

Instead of embracing good science, Harper's Canada suppresses it . Key research centres, such as the Experimental Lakes Area, and the Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Center, will be cut, while other vital research programmes will lose federal funding.

The scope of the cuts effectively annihilates information streams that might prove contrary to unfettered Tar Sands, or other extractive industry, development.

Instead of enabling a low carbon industry, it legislates an anti-environment "budget bill", Bill C-38, that wipes out decades of progressive environmental protections .

To add insult to injury, Harper's government is even offering to investigate the health effects of wind turbines , all the while ignoring (and suppressing) the clear and present health dangers from fossil fuels.

Ignoring Canada's aboriginals......

Attawapiskat, looks like this:

Contrast the plight of Attawapiskat with the riches of the DeBeers Victor Mine, located on First Nations Land eighty kilometres away. The Victor Mine harvests 600,000 carats worth of diamonds per year.

Fort Chipewyan, a native community located downstream of the Tar Sands, is understandably concerned about health issues related to toxic discharges from industry .

Instead of showing concern and taking proactive measures, Harper suppresses realities.

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