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Monday, May 7, 2012

Leaving Paris for England

On the Euro Star

The Euro Star is a short one hour and 50 minutes to our destination.... but not for the Hawkins'. We were no sooner en route when an announcement was heard requesting a doctors assistance in car 9. We have become accustomed to this type of excitement in our travels as it has occurred on flights as well as trains on every trip. A passenger had a medical crisis and we had to make a stop so that emergency service could transport them to hospital. Fortunately for the rest of the passengers the trip was uneventful and the delay was incredibly only 10 minutes.

 Since we were headed to Eastbourne on the Sunshine Coast we got off in Ashsford, the first stop for the Euro Star, and grabbed a train from there to Eastbourne. Like Paris the transportation systems in England are easy to navigate.

 The display on the ceiling behind me announces the coming stop and then once it leaves the stop it announces the coming stops so that you can prepare yourself in advance.

"We're here."

If I look lost or out of sorts in these "self taken photo's" it's because I still haven't figured out the art. Our 9 year old granddaughter is a pro at it .... of course she is in love with herself.

Herbie and Pat
Gary and Kathy

The house.... no I'm not planning on driving....
... passengers in England sit on the drivers side.

The backyard gardens

The free space between their home and the neighbors behind them

This is just one of the reasons why I love England
They have received notice that the historical society will be doing an archaeological dig in this free space as there are roman ruins in their backyard.

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