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Saturday, May 5, 2012

Dear Revenue Canada,

Dear Revenue Canada,

Enclosed and/or attached, you will find my 2011 tax return showing that I owe $3,407.00 in taxes.
Please note the attached article from the Toronto Globe and Mail; dated 12 November, wherein you will see the Canadian Department of National Defense is paying $171.50 per hammer and Fisheries and Oceans Canada has paid $600.00 per toilet seat for its icebreakers.

As payment, I am enclosing four (4) toilet seats (valued @ $2,400) and six (6) hammers valued @ $1,029), which I secured at Canadian Tire, bringing my total remittance to $3,429.00.

Pl ease apply the overpayment of $22.00 to next year's tax bill or a roll of toilet paper.

It has been a pleasure to pay my tax bill this year, and I look forward to paying it again next year.

God Bless Canada!

A Cape Bretoner
Thanks Penny

Below is a follow up email I recieved......

How funny, thanks Mom... This really is a creative way of paying dept, kind of like bartering!
I think any tax payer just keeps giving... the harder you work, the more you make thus the more you have available to contribute. And because the tax structure is laid out in such a way to prevent financial independance, it becomes the Government's main obstacle in preventing personal gains, wealth and freedoms which each of us strive for and must struggle to overcome but yet find ourselves merely back in the same spot we were when we initially attempted to be gain more!!! In my humble yet opinionated way, the Government's tax structure is merely an undercover strategic plan of creating a melting pot of both lower and middle classes and thereby expanding the gap between the upper and lower wide enough that winning the rat race, the chance to achieve financial independance and freedom becomes virtually impossible. The perfect scenario to ensure it's population remains vulnerable and dependant on the Government and its structure. Hmmm, sounds like communism in the making but with a much wider hypocritical American smile and many layers of patriotic bullshit that most would never be able to see beyond. But hey, as long as they don't erect the Great Wall of Canada, I can always take my opinionated ass back home and hope that my American dollar has regained its position at the top of the currency exchange board and allow me to enjoy a happy and fulfilling retirement. That is if the Shiekhs haven't taken over running the country by that time! lol  
Thanks Anne-Marie ... interesting and well thought out ..... personally I would like to see the abolishment of income tax and the establishment of a VAT (Value Added Tax) of say 20 or 25 % where you pay on purchases. Right now, here in Ontario, we already pay HST of 13 % of which 8% is Provincial and 5 % is Federal tax. By raising the Federal portion to 12 to 17 % the income tax could be eliminated, that way what you earn is yours to spend as you wish. If you buy a 500 dollar item you pay the VAT while I buy the same item but larger and costing 2000 dollars I pay the appropriate VAT, that way everyone is taxed the same.
As further incentive to the lower income bracket there could be a VAT tax rebate just like there is now for the HST.
The Conservatives reduced the GST to 5% then imposed the HST on the Provinces but added the tax on most every purchase which means that we are paying more overall tax. The Feds giveth and the Feds taketh away

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