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Monday, September 28, 2020

Monday's Ride - 1938 Indian 4 Running

From the Boston Herald

 ‘Unfit’ documentary examines psychology of Trump

Like the self-explanatory poster that declares “Russell Crowe is ‘Unhinged,’” the new documentary “Unfit: The Psychology of Donald Trump” sounds like it might be a funny look at the controversial guy in the White House.

Not so, says producer-director Dan Partland, 50. “We were very aware making this film that a lot of people saw Trump’s antics as odd, unusual, out of line, outrageous even but not scary.

“What we tried to show was while that may be attractive, what’s underlying it is really deadly serious.”

“Unfit” took wing in 2018 when, the two-time Emmy winner said from L.A. last week, “Many of us were inundated with news coverage. There was a different scandal day to day but a sameness.”

Partland used a Kickstarter campaign (“We knew it would not be funded from ordinary sources”) and he went into production at the start of 2019.

“We started reading anything we could find that was published on Trump psychology.

“What the mental health pros had to share was jaw dropping. We tried to further discuss the issue with people who had first-hand dealings with Trump. One was Rick Reilly, who has known him for over 30 years.”

Reilly has written about Trump the golfer and he’s scathing onscreen, saying, “Cheating in golf reveals your character. He cheats all the time! He tells people he’s won club championships when he never played. He cheated playing with Tiger Woods!”

Like the self-explanatory poster that declares “Russell Crowe is ‘Unhinged,’” the new documentary “Unfit: The Psychology of Donald Trump” sounds like it might be a funny look at the controversial guy in the White House.

Not so, says producer-director Dan Partland, 50. “We were very aware making this film that a lot of people saw Trump’s antics as odd, unusual, out of line, outrageous even but not scary.

“What we tried to show was while that may be attractive, what’s underlying it is really deadly serious.”

“Unfit” took wing in 2018 when, the two-time Emmy winner said from L.A. last week, “Many of us were inundated with news coverage. There was a different scandal day to day but a sameness.”

Partland used a Kickstarter campaign (“We knew it would not be funded from ordinary sources”) and he went into production at the start of 2019.

“We started reading anything we could find that was published on Trump psychology.

“What the mental health pros had to share was jaw dropping. We tried to further discuss the issue with people who had first-hand dealings with Trump. One was Rick Reilly, who has known him for over 30 years.”

Reilly has written about Trump the golfer and he’s scathing onscreen, saying, “Cheating in golf reveals your character. He cheats all the time! He tells people he’s won club championships when he never played. He cheated playing with Tiger Woods

Thanks Ivan

A once proud and prosperous country now run by a vile and evil villan

 There is no art in this White House.

There is no literature or poetry, no music.
No Kennedy Center award celebrations.
No books except the ones that were there years before. There are no pets in this White House. No loyal man’s best friend. No Socks the family cat. No times when this president takes off his blue suit-red tie uniform and becomes human, except when he puts on his white shirt-khaki pants uniform to play golf. There are no images of the first family enjoying themselves together in a moment of relaxation.
No Obamas on the beach in Hawaii moments, no Bushes fishing in Kennebunkport, no Reagans on horseback, no Kennedys playing touch football on the Cape. Where did that country go? Where did all of the fun and joy and expressions of love and happiness go?
We used to have a president that calmed and soothed the nation instead of dividing it.
We used to have presidents that smiled a lot and used to joke a bit during press conferences. And a First Lady that planted a garden instead of ripping one out. A First Lady who lived in the same house with the president.
It is truly a house divided; a house without joy, without laughter… a dark, unhappy house of anger and vengeance. We are rudderless and joyless. We have lost the cultural aspects of society that made America great. We have lost our mojo. Our fun, our happiness. The cheering on of others. The shared experiences of humanity that makes it all worth it. The challenges and the triumphs that we shared and celebrated. The unique can-do spirit Americans have always been known for. We have lost so much in such a short time. We are lost.
Elayne Griffin Baker

Trump anfd the GOP colluding once again to rig the election


Did you know?

 Thanks Norman

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Saturday's Ride - GORDINI 1967 | GARAGEM DO BELLOTE TV

The CPC: Callous and Shallow

 It's that republican influence that has guided the conservatives since Harper came on the scene. They give us symbolism without substance while turning a blind eye to racism giving their base someone to look down on while the party preaches the virtues of budgetary restraint leaving the less fortunate and disabled to suffer. We are in the midst of a historic pandemic and facing a second wave and all they worry about is the deficit and a redesigned logo with an armed forces influence.................. 

As the present government is being proactive


Throne Speech 2020: 10 Key Highlights From The Liberal Plan For Canada Amid COVID-19 Crisis

The government is promising a plan to create one million jobs.

Layton was sucked in by Harper


No, the Liberals actually did implement childcare in 2006 and had agreements with all of the provinces. Then the NDP brought down the government down, and the Conservatives disbanded it a year later. #PnPCB

Keeping Canada safe from Trump's idiocracy isn't an easy task


Hydraulic Steering - Principles Of Operation (1956)

The power of suggestion


Funniest Joke I Ever Heard 1984 George Burns

Friday, September 25, 2020

Friday's Ride - ATHS SoCal Antique Truck Show 2018 - Leaving

Car watching: How Pat and I spend our early evenings


Physical restraint - what is it?

 Prior to the speech from the throne the Conservative Party of Canada were calling for "physical restraint" in the new budget.

What does that mean to a conservative? Reducing spending. making cuts to essential services, reducing spending to the needy and the handicapped.

But beyond that it means increasing spending top corporations.... why? Because conservatives are indebted to the corporate world, they are corporate managed. It is never about saving the voter money it is all about feeding the rich.

We watched the actions of premiers in Alberta and Ontario in the past as they attempted to destroy medicare, long term care homes and the sell off of asseys. We watched as Stephen Harper tried to futher destroy medicare and transfer payments to the Provinces.

That is physical restraint, that is neo-liberalism.

But worse than tightening spending the conservative movement of today wants to, at least are trying to lower the education standards and intellectual level of citizens THAT in it self should tell you how inept they are to think education equals IQ when in fact the intellectual quotient is NOT a function of education.

Continuously Variable Transmission on a Bicycle

Jack Benny vs. Groucho 1955

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Thursday's Ride - 1955 Packard Caribbean - Jay Leno’s Garage

The Grand Old Party: from comassionate to pure evil in 136 years.


Yes America this was the start of the GOP compassionate and caring and then came neo-liberalism and the decline of civility, honesty and compassion for their fellow American.

Today, under Donald Trump's corrupt guidance, the GOP turns a blind and evil eye allowing abuses of Justice, murder in the streets, innocent children to be caged, women sterilized against their will, abuse of gays and visible minorities and so on..

The country is out of control and it's government, those elected to protect society have abandoned the people in favour of corporations, the wealthy and debauchery.... the swamp Trump promised to empty is now overflowing with the evil and vile conservative with a dash of evangelical thrown in to add some spice.

Yup they support their own misery through their ignorance


The shear stupid of the GOP supporter


How social media has failed the public and turned evil


Sugar Chile Robinson - Numbers Boogie (1951)

Nice phooto from Greenfield Park taken by Normand


Spinning Levers - How A Transmission Works (1936)

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Wednesday's Ride - Car Commercials from the 1950's

When you are an asshole like Doug Ford is you screw the public where they can't see it coming - behind closed doors


Ford’s public long-term care inquiry turns out to be private in back rooms

So much for Premier Doug Ford’s promise that a government-appointed commission looking into COVID-19’s devastating impact in long term care homes would be as good as, and quicker, than an actual public inquiry.

“There will be public hearings,” Ford pledged. “They will call witnesses.”

Ford’s long term care minister, Dr. Merrilee Fullerton, repeatedly assured the families of more than 1,850 LTC residents and eight staff who died from the coronavirus that the commission would hold public hearings, that their voices would be heard.

If you vote conservative you are a part of the problen NOT the solution



Don't we all


Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Tuesday's Ride - 1958 Buick Limited Convertible “ The Chrome King “ in Black & Ride - My ...

Struggling with my vision more and more

 It's getting harder to read, even black on white is appearing as grey forcing me to strain.

I don't know if I told you so if this is a reapeat skip it.

I bought a tablet, not for woking with but as a vision assist tool..... the camera. When shopping I am hoping it will help me read labels and prices, the wife is fed up with me bringing home the wrong stuff, like flavoured coffee.... YUK.

I looked at the magnifying camera's offered by the CNIB and while they sounded good they didn't sound any better than a tablet and the base camera was 5 times the price I paid.

So far this one works well however today will be the big test... I'll let you knpw the results later.

Carl Sagan

 Through their training, scientists are equipped with what Carl Sagan called a “baloney detection kit” — a set of cognitive tools and techniques that fortify the mind against penetration by falsehoods... a “baloney detection kit” — a set of cognitive tools and techniques that fortify the mind against penetration by falsehoods...By adopting the kit, we can all shield ourselves against clueless guile and deliberate manipulation. Sagan shared nine of these tools

The Baloney Detection Kit

Carl Sagan’s rules for critical thinking offer cognitive fortification against propaganda, pseudoscience, and general falsehood.

A tragec loss in trying times for America - Rest In Peace


Enya - Aniron (Extended) HD

Thanks Kerry

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Wednesday's Ride - Ford Maverick Morpheus - Restomod Widebody

If you believe the CPC would be better for Canada you have not been paying attention

 It may not be their intent however their missives are laying the stepping stones for others. If one reflects on the past 50 or so years in America and the propaganda that has led them to Donald Trump one can see a similar pattern developing as a result of the IDU, Stephen Harper's dirty fingers and the close relationship the CPC has with the GOP.

A 10-step plan for turning a democracy into a dictatorship, from Robert Reich

This meme is wrong on every level


We were the original morons who led to the need for the disclaimer by the media.

This is a good example of how the truth gets manipulated on social media. It was our generation who saw it in the theater and tried it at home, it was our generation that first saw it on TV and tried it at home. It was our generation that invented the skateboard and the stunt bike that gave us the need for helmets, gloves, elbow pads, etc;

Rail riding, flips, spins were all part of our daily life, while this is subtle it is none the less a lie and an example of what the misinformation is and how it spreads through social media.

Political parties and their hacks are doing it to us by the minute but worse than that foreign countries are doing it as well with insane claims, fake news stories and the manipulation of those who fail to remain current and don't see the lie because it fits with what they want to believe.



He wants to shutdown the CBC after Harper tried to starve it


Jonathan Winters Accidentally Glued His Cat to The Floor, on The Tonight...

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Tuesday's Ride - 1958 Chevrolet Impala - Much More Than A Placeholder

Harper anc ompany changed how transfer payments were calculated.


How one Stephen Harper decision cost Ontario $8.1 billion

OPINION: A new report finds that a decade-old decision by a long-gone prime minister cost Ontario big in terms of federal transfer payments

A snake is a snake and O'Toole was trained well


Feds Shortchanged Provinces $14.5B On Equalization Payments Over A Decade: PBO

Four provinces have not received any payments over the past

Harpers lap dog


UPC CPC or PC they are a;; scum


Scum sucker


Monday, September 7, 2020

Monday.s Ride - Amazing Vehicles | Micro Cars | That Will Take You To Another Level ▶ 14

Back to the years of right wing exp[iotation and manipulation


Those who would take us backwards are exploiting our fears

The past is warm and comforting, the future unsettling and unclear.

Is it any wonder, then, that aspiring political leaders campaign on evocative promises to turn back history, stop the world from spinning, return us for good and always to some imaginary time when all was right and just, when the worthy were rewarded, the transgressive sternly dealt with.

Brexiteers: “Let’s take back control.”

Conservative Leader Erin O’Toole: “Let’s take back Canada.”

Citizens deserve better. They owe themselves and their community greater critical thinking.

They cannot at one and the same time complain that politicians are shameless mountebanks while eagerly purchasing every jar of snake oil on offer.

At minimum, they should be aware of what politicians are doing and exploiting.

A reminder of what O'Toole wants to take Canada back to


‘You Have Forgotten’: Seven Conservative Attacks on Canada’s Veterans

Pensions killed, offices shut, benefits clawed, a billion dollars unspent, and more.

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Sunday's Ride - 1960 Cadillac Hearse "Thunder Taker"

You can thank conservatives for selling off assets


The growing threat of privatization

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